Thank You’s

There’s a bunch of people to thank that have been absolutely amazing in giving feedback, advice, letting me test out my prototypes on them, being featured in promo content and just all round support. I promised myself once I set up a site, I’d thank them all so here goes…

Kenzo Onumonu - for all the inspiration, help and guidance. Check out his FORTY cards here.

Ayesha Lorde-Dunn, Albinist Llugiqi, Ashley Beckles, Cianca Gayle, Jasmine Yusuf. Hoda Ali and Harun - for being the first people to let me test out the game on them and for all the feedback during the creation process.

Albinist Llugiqi (again) - for all the phone calls and for showing me what crowdsourcing is. Check out his ART here.

Jodie Momodu - for being the greatest consultant I could ask for.

Lark Bridgeman (Mom) - for being open minded and supportive when I said I wanted to create a drinking game. She even suggested the last person to have had sex should start the game.

Ash Catch-Em - for letting me shoot our promo content in his office and for featuring in said content. Check out his Capsule Collection here.

Ella Howell - for the feedback and for testing out the prototype on her friends.

Liam John - for filming all the promo content including my Maker’s video for Kickstarter. Check out his media company here.

William from Sure Thing Media - for taking all the images and shooting the Behind The Scenes content. Check out his media company here.

Axel Blake, Milena Sanchez, Savage Dan, Sj, Hemah, Jeusy DeCruz, Myles Hart, Ellie Prohan, Sarah Bo Parker and Kwekue Que - for featuring in the promo videos.

Abey Grier, Anne Bharwani, Elliott Bridgeman, Sophie Bailey, Kyra, Tazer Black, Chloe Dafe, Cherelle Jay, Megan Benson, Jemma Joseph, Kimberley Harvey, Jadeaana Odle, Dale Crossman, Juanita Richards, Christina Okorocha, Kyra Vidal and Dominic Moyce - for all the feedback.

Henry Robinson and Anthony Williams - for suggesting locations to shoot the content.

Padnas - for supplying the delicious punch we used whilst shooting the promo content. Check out their drinks here.

To every single person that backed the Kickstarter and helped make the game a reality!

Really hope I haven’t forgotten anyone.